

Wednesday, March 14, 2012


Plants can grow in a desert, but they need special ways to survive. Cacti have spreading roots that slurp up any rain as soon as it falls. Then they take great care of the water, storing it inside their juicy stems. It may have to last them weeks, months or even years.

Huge bunches of sweet, sticky dates dangle from palm trees, beside springs in the deserts of Africa and the Middle East. People have been picking the delicious fruit in these parts for more than 5,000 years.

Daisies, poppies and many other plants flower in the desert. The plants wither and die during the hot, dry months but their seeds survive in the ground. When it rains, they soon spring into action. They grew into new plants and cover the dry desert with a beautiful carpet of flowers within a few weeks.

  • Desert plants save lives! Many thirsty travelers have sucked life-saving water from the juicy flesh of a cactus.


          Like all plants, trees need their leaves to stay alive. Leaves are a tree's food factories. They contain a sticky green stuff called chlorophyll. The chlorophyll uses water, sunlight and carbon dioxide in the air to make a sugary food. The food is then carried to every part of the tree in a sweet and sticky juice called sap.

        Big green leaves are useful in spring and summer. They make food while the sun shines and the days are long. When the days get shorter, there's less time for making food and the tree must live off its food reserves. Rather than feed their leaves too, some trees shed their leaves in autumn.

         It's the chlorophyll in a plant's leaves that makes them look green. But in autumn, the chlorophyll breaks down. Once the green colouring has gone, the leaves' other colors show through - beautiful shades of red, yellow and gold.


Plants are living things. They come in all shapes and sizes, from tiny waterweeds to towering trees. Plants are different from animals in one very important way - they can make food for themselves from sunlight. Animals can't do this. They depend on plants for their food. Plants grow just about everywhere - in fields and forests, deserts and mountains. Apart from air, the two things plants need are sunlight and water, so you won't find them in places that are completely dark or dry.

       Plants are just as alive as you are. They need air, food and water to grow, and they can make lots of new plants like themselves. This proves that they're alive. Things like stones and rocks don't feed or grow because they're not alive.

  • All food in the world starts with plants. You may eat eggs, meat, and cheese but without plants no chicken or cow could produce these food!


   Fish have to breathe to stay alive, just as you do. But while you breathe oxygen from the air, fish take it from water. As they swim, fish gulp in water and push it out through slits called gills on their heads. Oxygen passes from the water into the fish's blood inside their gills.

     Fish swim by using their muscles to ripple their bodies along. Wiggling their tails from side to side gives them  extra push. They use their other fins to balance and change directions. 

     Penguins can't fly through the air because their wings are too short and stumpy. They are much more at home in the ocean, where they use their wings as flippers. Squid don't have flippers or tail, but they're still fast movers. They suck water into their bodies, then squirt it out so powerfully that their bodies shoot backwards.


      Rockets have to go faster than 11 kilometers per second to get into space. This works out to about 40,000 kilometers per hour - and car drivers can get into trouble for speeding at 120 kilometer per hour! If rockets didn't travel so fast they wouldn't be able to escape the enormously strong pull of Earth's gravity.

  • Rockets are made up of two or three parts called stages. Each stage is a giant fuel tank and engine, which separates and falls away as soon as its fuel is used up.
  •  At the top of the rocket is its payload - a satellite, a robot space probe, or a spacecraft carrying astronauts.

   Rockets are mainly used to put machines called satellites into orbit around the earth. Different sorts of satellite are launched to do many different jobs.


     Stars aren't solid like the ground beneath your feet. Instead, they are made of gases like the air around you. The two main gases in stars are called hydrogen and helium. They are the stars' fuel. Stars make heat and light from them.

  • Since earliest times, people have seen patterns in the way stars are grouped in the sky. The patterns are called constellations.
  • The brightest star we can see in the night sky is called Sirius. Another name for it is the Dog star. It is about twice as big as our Sun, but it gives out more than twenty times as much light!
       Stars only twinkle when we look at them from earth. Out in space their light shines steadily. We see them twinkling and shimmering because of the air around the Earth - as light from a star travels towards us, it is bent and wobbled by bubbles of hot and cold air.


When rays of the light hit something that they can't shine through, they bounce off it - just like a ball bouncing off the ground. This is called reflection. We are able to see things because light is reflected off them into our eyes.

  • you can see yourself when you look down into a puddle because the smooth water reflects the light straight back into your eyes.
  • up periscope! A submarine officer looks through a periscope to see what's happening above the water. Mirrors inside the periscope reflect light from things above the water straight down into the officer's eyes.
  • see what happens when light passes through a single drop of water. Cut a hole in a piece of card and stick clear tape over the top. Carefully put a drop of water on the tape and look through it at something small, like a ladybird. It will make it look bigger.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012


Musical instruments are devices used to make musical sound. Most musical instrument fall into three great sections: strings, winds, percussion. When a musical instrument is played, it has vibration that produce sound waves in the air. Every instrument gives off its own distinct pattern of sound waves.

         consist of one or more strings stretched over a sound box or soundboard


             an instruments that the person blows into a hole at the end of a tube





        are struck with the hands, finger, or sticks to produce a musical sound





Tuesday, March 6, 2012


Television is complex piece of equipment that converts electrical signals into sounds and pictures. All parts of the television is very important to have a function. The very important is the electricity because without it the television cannot function.

  • LOUDSPEAKER where the sound comes from
  • AIR VENTS for hot air to escape
  • MAGNETS used to guide the electron beams fired by the electron guns
  • ELECTRON GUNS project the picture onto the TV screen
  • CATHODE-RAY TUBE contains the screen that displays the picture
  • DECODER converts the image signal into readable form before it goes to the electron guns
  • CONTROLS used to send instructions to the TV set
  • AMPLIFIER strengthens the picture and sound
  • ANTENNA SOCKET receives the signals

Saturday, March 3, 2012

what does physic's do?


In cooking, a person who cook can feel the heat that radiate  to the body. Heat is the energy that transfer from one body or object through medium or space. This process is called RADIATION.

Friday, March 2, 2012


    Living your life is a task so difficult, it has never been attempted before. Life is about increasing understanding by expanding our ability to experience new things. 

  New realities, points of view other than the ones familiar to us. When you live your life with an appreciation of coincidences and their meanings, you connect with the underlying field of infinite possibilities.
     Life is about laughing and living, in good and bad times. Getting through whatever comes our way and looking back and smiling.Let yourself be open and life will be easier. The key to Live Life to the Fullest is knowing how to balance all aspects of life.